Who Can Apply

The Masonic Charities Trust (MCT) is a public ancillary fund (PAF) that provides charitable grants for the benefit of the community in South Australia and the Northern Territory recommended for funding by the Advisory Committee and approved by the Board of the MCT.
The MCT invites not-for-profit organisations with Deductible Gift Recipient status within South Australia and the Northern Territory to apply for grants for programs and initiatives in the areas of:

1 – Education – (includes early and adult education, specialised educational programs, leadership programs, minor research, school and university initiatives);

2 – Health & Medical Research – (includes medical equipment, minor research, promotion and prevention activities and other health programs, with specific focus on children, ageing, mental health, disability and chronic diseases);

3 – Community Development  (includes support for organisational development and capacity building initiatives, with the aim of strengthening community organisations to deliver better services and programs);

4 – Social Cohesion & Inclusion – (includes initiatives that build community spirit, promote tolerance and support marginalised or vulnerable groups to remain active in their community);

5 – Poverty & Disadvantage – (includes direct support programs and welfare activities that help alleviate and address poverty and disadvantage in the community, crisis or emergency support, material aid, and small-scale research programs).

Application Form & Instructions

IMPORTANT: Please read information below to assist you in completing your application.

Applications for Charitable Grants funded by The Masonic Charities Trust (MCT) are considered on a regional basis within South Australia and the Northern Territory. Applications are project managed by an Advisory Committee established by the MCT for this purpose.

Application Process

Organisations wishing to apply for a grant need to submit an application online through the Masonic Charities Website. Paper copies will not be accepted.

All potential applicants are encouraged to engage with a local Freemason Lodge in their area. Please contact an Advisory Committee area representative to discuss your project proposal before submitting an application.

Two Grant Funding Rounds Each Year

Two Grant Funding Rounds Each Year

Round 1:    1 January to 31 May  – Decision May (Successful Applications Paid in the following financial year)

Round 2:     1 July to 31 December    – Decision January (Successful Applications Paid in the current financial year) 


Funding can only be made to charitable organisations which are a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) and which are domiciled in South Australia or the Northern Territory. The following requirements are that the organisation is Charitable at law; (i.e. have provision for gift deductibility and it must be under Item 1, or is specifically named as a DGR in Subdivision 30-15 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997).

Decision Making

The MCT will aim to make determinations on grant applications on appropriate occasions throughout the year. Generally three times a year in line with the three grant rounds. In some situations, it may take some months from the submission of an application until a decision is made. Applicant organisations should allow for this in their planning.

Outcome of your application

All applicants will be advised on the outcome of their grant request. The decision of the MCT is final and no discussion in relation to the outcome will be entered into, although general feedback may be provided.

Successful applicants

Successful applicants will be advised of the timing of the receipt of their funds and provided with the standard grant conditions. All grant recipients are required to adhere to grant conditions.
If successful in receiving a grant, please note that a semi-annual report is required to be completed detailing how outcomes have been met.

Additional project information

We encourage you to provide copies of project evaluation reports, photographs, quotes and stories from project beneficiaries. The provision of such information and images will be taken as permission to publish it.

Please return this acquittal report and any accompanying documentation via email to:

The Masonic Charities Trust

Level 1, 254 North Terrace



Grant application form

The Freemasons of South Australia and the Northern Territory has been involved in charitable giving since the early 1800’s.

Throughout the year the Freemasons Masonic Entities have had many names and funds used as vehicles for charitable donations, grant giving and relief.

In 1989 the Foundation was established in order to create a more formal structure for the benevolent activities of Freemasons. It is the charitable arm of Freemasonry and a major fundraiser for charitable and benevolent purposes.

The Freemasons Foundation helps in many areas of need, giving assistance in conjunction with lodges to local communities. Scholarships and educational assistance grants are also provided. Men’s Health is a major focus.

The Foundation provides charitable grants to persons or organisations in need on an annual basis. Applications for assistance can be directed through any Freemasons’ lodge, or direct to the Foundation.

In 2022, a further change to the structure took place to ensure that the Freemason’s impact could be further distributed to a wider range of areas.

The Freemasons Charity Management Pty Ltd entity was formed and became the trustee for the majority of the charitable DGR funds for the Freemasons

The current funds that the Freemasons of South of Australia and the Northern Territory host as benevolent arms are as follows:

a) Masonic Charities Pty Ltd Trustee for The Masonic Charities Trust
b) Freemasons Foundation Incorporated
c) The Freemasons Charity Management Pty Ltd Trustee for The Freemasons Education Scholarship Fund, The Health Promotion Fund, The History and Literary Fund

For further information about the Benevolent arms of Freemasonry, please get in touch with us at 1300 357 999, selecting option 2