DO NOT be lured into CONTEMPT for this Covid-19 Virus 

Date: 5 October 2020

From: The Grand Master Freemasons of SA & NT

MW Bro Dr Neil Jensen

A nickname for pneumonia is “old man’s friend”.

A potential complication of Covid-19 viral infection is pneumonia.

Please ensure that you, Freemasons, do everything you can to prevent yourselves, family and friends, from catching this terrible virus.

The Covid-19 virus is still around and waiting to inflict its morbidity, and in many cases mortality, on anyone who takes its presence for granted.


Please remember to practice common sense, courtesy and calm and to promote the recommendations of our well- informed Governments: cover the mouth, wash the hands,  practice social distancing, stay at home if unwell and consider the Covid-19 app.

Freemasonry in South Australia and the Northern Territory has encouraged the above and amended its meetings and work accordingly. The leadership works on the principle that the members matter and we care.

The leadership also recognizes that it is difficult to be vigilant for long periods; please remember, however, that our forebears fought two protracted wars and won; likewise, we will exhibit patience and win this battle against this life threatening Covid-19 virus pandemic.

Other news

After 17 April 2021, Freemasonry in SA& NT will have a new Grand Master; my term ends then after a record breaking three hard fought elections and three years hard work. I congratulate the Grand Master-elect, those who nominated him, his supporters and those who voted for him.

I ask every Freemason to remember, and practice, the content of the Address to the Brethren given annually at every Installation of a new Master of a Lodge: it has always been my belief that our voluntary, old and traditional fraternity has survived for centuries because of the advice in that Address.

To ensure a smooth transition of responsibility, I have invited the Grand Master-elect to attend all meetings which I attend; I have also requested that he be invited to the Board of Management of AF&AM Inc, the Appointments Committee, and Task Forces meetings.

For the information of those who are unaware, I have several Task Forces, am a Director of Masonic Charities Pty Ltd (philanthropy), AF&AM Nominees Pty Ltd (buildings) and Chairman of the Freemasons Centre for Male Health and Wellbeing Ltd (research). I will resign from all these positions effective 17 April 2021.

Your Grand Master has been busy writing articles for the web; planning a virtual Remembrance Day ceremony; participating positively in the above companies/task forces on your behalf; handing over a bus to the Riverland Coorong Mallee local health network in Renmark; overviewing changes in choreography to allow us to get back to work; interaction with Task Force leaders on: making 254 North Terrace safe again, separation of Regulations to subtend our corporate structure from Freemasonry in general, representatives of various faiths; office procedures enhancement, ethics discussions; briefing to MWBro The Honourable Sir Eric Neal AC CVO FTSE, Past Pro Grand Master, prior to a podcast promoting Freemasonry; attendance at Communications of the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter and Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons (Grand Installation); Starlight Children’s Foundation presentation; country Installations; naming of the “Freemason” search and rescue boat for Lake Alexandrina; et al.

The MMXX1 Membership Promotion launched on 1 June 2020 is proving that there is a rejuvenated interest in our great fraternity. Being on the cusp of an increase in membership greater than 6 % is, to the best of my knowledge, better than anywhere else in the world. Importantly, it shows that there are many men, backed by their wives and partners, who share the same desires, for better knowledge of self, improvement therefrom, and opportunity to enhance ethical improvement and philanthropic involvement in a demanding society. We will continue to communicate our activities in a positive way such that people will know that they matter and we care; we share with them our centuries old dictum: “we invest in people”.

To all our proud Freemasons I say this: never be nihilistic; value the enormous privilege you have of being a Freemason; Freemasonry will never disgrace you.

May the Great Architect of the Universe continue to bless you all and help to guide us safely through this devastating period of world history.

MWBro Dr Neil Jensen

Grand Master

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