
The Freemasons Foundation

The Freemasons Foundation was established in 1989 in order to create a more formal structure for the benevolent activities of Freemasons. It is the charitable arm of Freemasonry and a major fundraiser for charitable and benevolent purposes.

The Freemasons Foundation helps in many areas of need, giving assistance in conjunction with lodges to local communities. Scholarships and educational assistance grants are also provided.  Men’s Health is a major focus.

The Foundation provides charitable grants to persons or organisations in need on an annual basis. Applications for assistance can be directed through any Freemasons lodge, or direct to the Foundation.

Support the Freemasons Foundation …

  • become a member for as little as $10 a month (tax deductible)
  • consider participating in the Freemasons Investment Scheme.

For  further information about the  Freemason’s Foundation  please contact  

Mr Boyd Sparrow, Company Secretary
The Freemasons Foundation
Grand Lodge Building
254 North Terrace, Adelaide

Phone 1300 357 999 (Option 2) 

In 1903 it was resolved to secure framed photographs of the Past Masters of the Lodge to adorn the walls of the anteroom. Since that time the practice has continued and the anteroom now boasts a framed photograph of every Master of the Lodge, again, a talking point for the many people who visit the Lodge rooms.

By the begining of the 21st century, age had taken its toll and the building required a major refurbishment. Using funds from the sale of lodge buildings no longer required and with the assistance of the State Heritage Authority, Grand Lodge undertook extensive renovations, ensuring the building can be enjoyed by generations to come.

More about Freemasonry

Venue hire

Freemasons Hall is the ideal venue for a number of different functions. From the iconic marbled foyer and elegant staircase, the large and impressive Great Hall at Ground Level to the Sam Jacobs room.

Community Benevolence

Charity is found at the heart of Freemasonry, with members actively involved in helping those in need since the craft started.

Research and study

The Masonic Learning Committee (MLC) seeks to develop a sustainable 'bottom up' Masonic Learning framework aimed at providing individualised, specialised programs of learning.