Grand Lodge Officers

Grand Master

The Grand Master has the right to preside at any meeting of the Grand Lodge, and to exercise adeliberative and a casting vote. He has extensive powers including the right to appoint Officers of Grand Lodge, aided by advice from an Appointments Committee. He is provided with advice on other matters by an Advisory Committee.

A candidate for the Office of Grand Master is elected by the members of Grand Lodge and may serve for no more than four annual terms. The Grand Master is assisted by the Deputy Grand Master and the Assistant Grand Master. His full title is The Most Worshipful Grand Master.

The Current Grand Master is MW Bro. William Merrill

Grand Officers

There are essentially two types of Grand Lodge Officer – administrative and ceremonial. Administrative officers run the everyday business of Grand Lodge, chair the meetings of various boards and committees while ceremonial officers represent Grand Lodge by visiting constituent lodges and performing lodge installations.

Senior ceremonial Grand Officers and those Grand Officers with administrative responsibilities are appointed by the Grand Master. In making appointments the Grand Master is assisted by advice from the Appointments Committee.

Candidates for Junior Grand Office (ceremonial officers below the rank of Grand Deacon) are nominated by constituent lodges for selection at a District level, being appointed to particular Grand Offices by the Grand Master. 

Grand Stewards

A Grand Steward may be selected for this appointment according to the Regulations by the constituent lodge of which he is a member, or nominated for appointment by the Grand Master. Grand Stewards are appointed for one year. Their duties are to assist in conducting the arrangements for meetings, festivals and banquets of Grand Lodge, and at installation meetings of constituent lodges.

View the current list of Craft Grand Lodge Officers and Stewards 2024 – 2025

Board of Management

This is the body responsible for administering the affairs of the Grand Lodge between meetings (termed “Communications”) of the Grand Lodge. Until April 2003 this was known as the Board of General Purposes.

The Board meets monthly and is chaired by the President.

The Board is comprised of the following members:

  • The Deputy Grand Master
  • The President of the Board
  • The Grand Treasurer
  • The Grand Registrar
  • The Grand Superintendent
  • The Grand Superintendent of Works
  • The Chairman of Membership 
  • Two members of Grand Lodge appointed by the Grand Master
  • Two elected members of Grand Lodge (each of whom must be an Installed Master).  One of the elected members must be a member of a Lodge which meets not less than 50 kilometres from the General Post Office, Adelaide.

Grand Secretary

This role reports to the President of the Board of Management and is voluntary part-time position (generally working two days a week).  His role is primarily administrative, attending to Lodge/Grand Lodge regulations and directives.  He attends Craft, Mark and Chapter Board of Management meetings as minute Secretary and fulfills the role of Grand Secretary at all Communications, Convocations and Grand Installations.


The Grand Master and the Board of Management are assisted by various committees which include:

  • Grand Master’s Advisory Committee
  • Grand Master’s Appointments Committee
  • Judicial
  • Membership
  • Community Relations
  • Ritual and Procedures
  • Care
  • Finance
  • Education

Grand Lodge Fraternal Relations

Various forms of Freemasonry are now found in many different parts of the world. Different national traditions or locations have developed their own Grand Lodges. Where they have sufficient customs and practices in common the various Grand Lodges may feel able to recognise each other and thus permit inter-visitation of members.

The Grand Lodge of South Australia and Northern Territory has approved for inter-visitation more than 120 other jurisdictions within and outside Australia. When travelling, members of this Grand Lodge can easily find lodges under different constitutions to visit, where they are warmly welcomed and treated like a brother.

More about Freemasonry

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Freemasons Hall is the ideal venue for a number of different functions. From the iconic marbled foyer and elegant staircase, the large and impressive Great Hall at Ground Level to the Sam Jacobs room.

Community Benevolence

Charity is found at the heart of Freemasonry, with members actively involved in helping those in need since the craft started.

Research and study

The Masonic Learning Committee (MLC) seeks to develop a sustainable 'bottom up' Masonic Learning framework aimed at providing individualised, specialised programs of learning.