TRAINING: St John NT Katherine received funding from Masonic Charities to implement technologically advanced training.


Photo: Kate Hulls – of MW Bro Lloyd Pocock PGD – Worshipful Master of Katherine Lodge of Fidelity

St John NT Katherine Region now have the ability to implement technologically advanced medical training using a Resusci Anne Advanced SkillTrainer, or ‘Anne’ for short, as a result of a $21,200 donation from Masonic Charities.

Used to train millions primarily in the basics of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) since the 1960s, the realistic manikin simulates human breathing, pulse rate and other medical conditions.

Pre-programmed scenarios allow for a range of training from heart rhythm recognition to advanced airway management, making it a valuable training resource for St John NT ambulance staff and volunteers.

‘Anne’ supports CPR, defibrillation, IV therapy and airway management procedures, and will help ambulance staff learn to respond to human conditions in real-time.

“With a large indigenous population in Katherine, plus the increased amount of senior visitors, or Grey Nomads, coming through in the dry season, a significant amount of our calls relate to the adverse effects of cardiac, respiratory and hypertensive conditions,” St John NT Area Manager Jack Darby said.

“The Northern Territory has the highest death rates from ischaemic heart disease in the country. This manikin will help to ensure paramedics, patient transport officers and volunteers have the opportunity to practice high performance CPR, defibrillation and advanced life support skills.”

The compact nature of the manikin means it can be easily transported for community education and CPR training for the greater Katherine community.

David Booker, the Grand Master of the Freemasons of South Australia and the Northern Territory, said it was important that his organisation’s charity arm supported life-saving community programs.

“Masonic Charities is pleased to help deliver innovative tools to ensure ambulance staff and volunteers have the best possible training for their valuable work in the community,” Mr Booker said.

“This training manikin simulates a medical incident in a more realistic way than has previously been possible and, with practice, will undoubtedly enhance procedural skills and save lives. Freemasonry has a proud history of supporting St John around the world. We are pleased to support St John NT Katherine Region, which has a deep understanding of health issues facing people in its community.”

The official handover of the $21,200 gift from Masonic Charities to St John NT Katherine Region was held on June 16, 2021 at the Katherine Ambulance Centre.


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